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Proposals to revamp the event board.

Build a calendar interface.

Add filtering (filter by tags?). All events for a wiki would be centrally viewable and filterable. This would reduce the postering of the event board with massive images.

Allow recurring events. Google Calendar provides a straightforward reference interface for this, as well as specifying a start and end time for each event. Not that we should copy everything they do, but yaknow.

Per-page Calendar button — After the central calendar is up and running add a button next to the map button for any page that is linked to for an event in the past x time frame or upcoming future. This would display a calendar showing just events related to the page. This relationship could either be for the venue, the host, attendees, or the event.

This extends the way that content answers what and the map answers where with a method for answering when.

This would also help tame the events board and display events in the context of a venue, neighborhood, organization, etc.

iCalendar export — in addition to RSS and Livejournal feeds. [WWW]iCalendar is widely supported by calendaring apps. There are a couple of existing Python libraries, [WWW]icalendar and [WWW]vobject, though the format's pretty simple and it should be straightforward to code the generator from scratch.


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2007-05-01 03:53:10   "Watch this Calendar" To have an interwiki compilation of calendars perhaps? maybe a situation where we can add events to our user page. Oooh can we support photo tagging? —DavidPoole

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