While functional, the Events Board remains one of the most complained about features on the wiki. This page exists to organize development, and discuss the future direction for improving Sycamore's handling of events.
Outright bugs
Currently, the [[Events]] macro only works on a page named "Events Board". (bad for i18n, among other things)
Some sort of calendar presentation, along the lines of, say, Google Calendar, would be a good idea
Ability to edit and store previous revisions
A preview interface, so we don't have all of those post/delete/repost cycles going on like we do now.
A way to upload images to events, or to include them from other wiki pages (Currently must supply URL of image already sized correctly)
Another version of [[Events(mini)]] which prints events for the upcoming week, instead of just one day. Many communities don't always have something going on every day, and this would make it less blank looking.
Multiple events boards, or categorization of events? Event tags within pages? Maybe use Semantic Wiki
ical/.ics output along with existing RSS feeds
More ideas here: Feature Requests
Currently, only the creator of the event and admins have the ability to delete events. Amendments can only be made through the "delete and repost" workaround. Events are then deleted from the database once they have passed. While this is simple, it doesn't maintain the history expected on most of our communities. Similar interface to revert/view previous revisions as normal pages.
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