The following tips were from my experience installing the Sycamore sapling branch, using Postgresql as the database, on my WindowsXP Home machine. You should generally follow the instructions on the main How to Install page, except use the Sapling branch.
In case you aren't comfortable compiling the required libraries from source, they are all available on the internet in binary installers. Though I couldn't find any for the optional
xapian and
Memcached libraries.
diffutils is here, the others are easy to find ;)
You can leave most of the settings in as they are, except for memcache, has_xapian, and the db settings.
If you get an error when you run (IOError: cannot identify image file), you should simply delete all image files (png and jpg) located under share\initial_pages. One of these images is a logo and the others are attachments on a help page. Even if you don't get the error, they may not appear on your wiki.
The only method of serving the wiki I've tested is to use the stand-alone HTTP server, share\web\index. It is a python program even though the py extension is absent. You can safely ignore the error message that comes up. Here is what you should see:
Could not run as user root. Terminating. serving on localhost:80
That's it! Good luck!