This page is for discussing the contents of New document structure.
Hey, I just realized something I could do to be awesomely useful, I am going to go through and develop a new css display structure, as css2 can be used to generate the appearance via the browser, rather than having a software middleman. Of course this will mean a whole re-write of the CSS for all document objects, it should be pretty easy. I just would like a mockup or something so I understand how entities will be written, e.g. tables, titles, and the like :P. ~D
I've put substantial work into something similar, if you want to discuss it. —JabberWokky
Eh, it does not seem like it will be a killer problem, just interesting use of css for xml (planning to demo using rc_rss), but if you have any advice or knowledge of things counter-intuitive, then that would be most appreciated. ~D
Can you give more details? I can mock things up if need be. —PhilipNeustrom
Yes, I would like just to know how the translation between WikiMarkUp and XML will be, e.g. how will italics be handled, in the mean time I will run through the only xml example so far and revamp recent changes, as brent is also working on the events board, I can manage that one as well. Oh, reminds me that I need to message you sometime to discuss this modular idea for the code, but that will come after the xml :P ~D