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Semantic Wiki/API


Possible internal API for metadata in support of a semantic wiki. Please edit as necessary, this document is only a draft.

  1. Labels and Types
    1. Add typed label
    2. Edit label type
    3. Retrieve labels
  2. Metadata
    1. Add metadata
    2. Edit metadata
    3. Retrieve metadata
      1. Examples
        1. No results found
        2. Using Hooks
        3. Structured result
        4. Multi-row results
        5. Metadata from another page
        6. Metadata from other pages

Labels and Types

All labels have a specific type. These methods help you access the type and label data.

Add typed label

A method to add metadata labels/names/predicates.

Edit label type

A method to modify the type of a label/name/predicate.

Retrieve labels

A method to retrieve metadata labels/names/predicates that match a specific search criteria


Metadata is really the whole ball of wax. It's the names, the values, and the types.

Add metadata

A method to add metadata about the current wiki page.

Edit metadata

A method to modify metadata about the current wiki page.

Retrieve metadata

A method to retrieve metadata rows that matches a specific search criteria.


The following are examples for retrieving and formatting metadata stored in the database.

No results found

Examples showing the different ways to handle a search where no results are found.

Using Hooks

Examples using the various hooks.

Structured result

Note: we could also handle this via hooks (ie build a hook that outputs a phone number).

Multi-row results
Metadata from another page
Metadata from other pages


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There will still be a search / advanced search interface that allows the casual person to query for things, right? This is just the internal wiki API?

This is a Wiki Spot wiki. Wiki Spot is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps communities collaborate via wikis.