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Semantic Wiki/Talk

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This page is for discussing the contents of Semantic Wiki.

Attributes and Relations vs Statements

There has been some discussion about whether there should be a separate syntax for attributes and relations. Essentially both could be considered Statements. They both state a fact. For example the attribute: <Delta of Venus'> <phone number> is <(530) 753-8639> is a statement of a fact (well at the time of this writing at least). The relation: <Delta of Venus> <has a> <Delta of Venus/Menu> is a statement of a fact as well. The only difference between these two statements is that with the first the object is literal data (the phone number) and the second the object is another real-world object (represented by a wiki page). There would be no need to have a wiki page for phone numbers.

All of this is pointing towards having a specific namespace for real-world objects (ie wiki pages) and one for literal objects.

The following comments were moved from the main Semantic WIki Page.

"Will work for attributes but not for relations" — This is what I thought at first, too, but I can't seem to think of a case where it wouldn't work (given that we always implicitly have the page we're using as a subject, and have the optional <type>). Could an example be given? For instance, the is_a::Restaurant relation could be written as Category := Restaurant, or (semantically equivalent) is_a := Restaurant. These two examples are where we have simply a <type> and a <value>, given that our general form for these things is Type Subject := Value.

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