"Incorrect" things people do or miss while using Sycamore
Make links written like this: ["Front_Page"]. The correct way is ["Front Page"]. The thought process is probably "I see 'Front_Page' in the URL, so I will write that in the wiki link." The underscore is likely not thought of as being a 'space' character, or perhaps the title of the page is not seen as important as the format of the url. The concept of a 'link' is that we link to a URL, so perhaps this is where the confusion comes in. How can we help advert this common mistake?
I suggest that the system automatically change ["Front_Page"] links to ["Front Page"] when the page is saved.
This is usually possible, but I thought there could there be a case where the characters in the true name and the characters in quoteWikiname(name) clash? Thinking about it, it's not really possible, so let's just convert the link names on a save. This would basically entail doing unquoteWikiname(link_name) on each link's name, then changing the page text if it's different...
Would it make more sense to leave ["Front_Page"] in the system and just display it without the underscore? ["Front_Page"] produces Front Page and not Front_Page?