This is a static copy of the main site, preserved for historical purposes only. Please see this page for more information.


InfoInfo TalkTalk

Sycamore Development Roadmap

This roadmap is a high-level look at where Sycamore development is heading. Sycamore development is strictly done by volunteers. Releases are driven by features or quality, not by set dates or time schedules.

For release information see Releases.

Sycamore .1

The Sycamore .1 release is the first official release of the Sycamore wiki engine. This release is currently under development (Sapling branch). The .1 release is a bug fix and stabilization release based on the the .1a & .1b Sycamore code.

Sycamore .2

The Sycamore .2 release will include new features and functionality. This release will include all wikis branch changes.

Sycamore .3

This is a Wiki Spot wiki. Wiki Spot is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that helps communities collaborate via wikis.