This page is for discussing the contents of How to Migrate from MoinMoin.
Nathan, do you jnow this... I nedd to learn to use the class and of cource to expand... there must be an easier way to build the allPages :)
My understanding is that all you need to do is run No need for reduce — it takes moinmoin data as usual. —PhilipNeustrom
That's correct, only execution of is needed for importing data from MoinMoin to Sycamore. Unless MoinMoin data structure has changed significantly from version 1.3.5, which is the only version I've tested the migration process on. Which version are you trying to Migrate from DetlevLengsfeld? —NathanReynolds
First you need to grab the DBConversion tools from ... FYI, was just added. You think a numbered-list is an easier way to explain?
Maybe :D —NathanReynolds
no its easier for quick reader and for old_moin_admins :) —DetlevLengsfeld
Looks like is not being executed. It's in DBConversion, need to verify that dethumb has execution permissions (chmod +x), and that DBConversion is in your $PATH. —NathanReynolds
These two errors are caused by Sycamore not having the macros that moin has. In this case the pages will be imported but the page caches won't be automatically generated (this error should have happened during the "building page caches" step). You should be able to fix these pages manually.
It's for finding image attachments in a page for de-thumbing, The ol' DavisWiki had a macro called Thumbnail, which was re-named to Image in Sycamore. So, on a DavisWiki import, all page text was re-worked during the import process. The DruidWiki had ported the macro as a patch for MoinMoin 1.3.5, so I had the same need there. A standard MoinMoin wiki does not need to be de-thumbed, but de-thumbing won't harm existing text, so it's a harmless process... Well, mostly harmless ;) —NathanReynolds
- also converts attachment:name.jpg into [[Image(name.jpg)]] which you need.
I stand corrected :) —NathanReynolds
You are using the python print which does an implicit conversion of the unicode pagename to, in this case, iso8859. The character you're printing isn't supported. Try, instead, print pagename.encode('utf-8'), version, to test your page names.
ok, i`ll hve a look. wipe the rest of the page. did you have a look at the 2 versions of import... and the data-path.